Required Forms
Application Narrative
- Attachment 1: Letters of Support
- Attachment 2: Project Location File
- Attachment 3: Grant Application Full-size Figures
- Attachment 4: Existing Conditions Photos
- Attachment 5: East Bay Greenway Funding Commitments
- Attachment 6: Outreach Summary Reports
- Attachment 7: Benefit-Cost Analysis Narrative
- Attachment 8: Benefit-Cost Analysis Calculation File
Full-Size Figures
- Figure 1-1: Project Vicinity Map
- Figure 1-2: Areas of Persistent Poverty and Historically Disadvantaged Community Census Tracts
- Figure 1-4: Transportation Network within the Project Vicinity
- Figure 1-6: New Routes Location Map
- Figure 3-1: Bicycle/Pedestrian Safety Map
- Figure 3-3: Improved Intersection Safety Features
- Figure 3-4: Air Quality Map – Asthma Percentile
- Figure 3-6: Access to Community Destinations Map
- Figure 3-7: Planned Mixed-Use Projects in the Corridor
- Figure 3-8: Urban Tree Coverage in the Corridor
- Figure 3-10: Access to Multimodal Choices
- Figure 3-11: Gap Closure Map
- Figure 3-12: Major Employers within the Corridor