Alameda CTC is committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of or discriminated against under its projects, programs or activities on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, sex or age, as provided in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 49 United States Code Section 5332.

Title VI Complaint Procedure

As a recipient of federal dollars, Alameda CTC is required to comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and ensure that services and benefits are provided on a nondiscriminatory basis. Alameda CTC has adopted a Title VI Complaint Procedure (第六章投訴程序, Procedimiento para Denuncias Relacionadas con el Título VI), which outlines a process for local disposition of Title VI complaints and is consistent with guidelines found in the Federal Transit Administration Circular 4702.1B, dated October 1, 2012.

How to file a Title VI Complaint

Any person who feels that he/she/they, individually, or as a member of any class of persons, on the basis of race, color or national origin has been excluded from or denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance through Alameda CTC may file a written complaint with the Title VI Officer. Such complaint must be filed within 180 calendar days after the date the person believes the discrimination occurred. A complaint form may be downloaded here (fillable PDF) or obtained from Alameda CTC through the Title VI Officer, Remy Goldsmith, at rgoldsmith@alamedactc.org or 510.208.7496.

La Comisión de Transporte del Condado de Alameda (Alameda County Transportation Commission o Alameda CTC) está comprometida a garantizar que no se excluya a nadie de participar, ni se niegue beneficios ni servicios, sobre la base de raza, color, u origen nacional, de conformidad con las protecciones del Título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles.

Si usted cree que ha sufrido discriminación bajo el Título VI, puede presentar una denuncia por escrito. Por favor llene el formulario imprimible de denuncia y envíelo por correo a esta dirección:

Alameda County Transportation Commission
Attn: Title VI Complaint
1111 Broadway, Suite 800
Oakland, CA 94607

Para más información sobre los programas de derechos civiles de Alameda CTC y el procedimiento para presentar una denuncia, por favor contáctenos:

阿拉美達交通委員會 (Alameda CTC) 致力確保任何人士均受《民權法案》第六章保障,不會基於種族、膚色或原國籍而遭排除參與其服務或遭拒絕享有其服務的福利。


Alameda County Transportation Commission
Attn: Title VI Complaint
1111 Broadway, Suite 800
Oakland, CA 94607


If information is needed in another language, contact 510.208.7400.

For information on the Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s Title VI Compliance and Complaint Procedure, see http://mtc.ca.gov/about-mtc/access-everyone/civil-rights-act-file-complaint

Title VI Program Language Assistance Plan (LAP)

Title VI Program Language Assistance Plan (LAP), published 2024.