The Commission is comprised of 22 members, with the following representation:
- All five Alameda County Supervisors
- Two Oakland representatives
- One representative from each of the other 13 cities
- AC Transit
Commission meetings are held at 1111 Broadway, Suite 800 in downtown Oakland at 2:00 p.m. on the fourth Thursday of the month. See the meetings calendar for links to agendas, materials and minutes.
The Alameda CTC Administrative Code can be found here.
The Alameda County Transportation Commission has established three standing committees to assist the Commission in fulfilling the agency’s mission. See the meetings calendar for links to agendas, materials and minutes.
Finance and Administration Committee (FAC): The functions and authority of the FAC are agency operations and performance; human resources and personnel policies and procedures; administrative code; salary and benefits; procurement policies and procedures; procurement of administrative contracts; contract preference programs for entities such as local business enterprises, small business enterprises and disabled business enterprises; bid protests and complaints related to administrative contract procurement; annual budget and financial reports; investment policy and reports; audit reports, financial reporting, internal controls and risk management; and the annual work program.
Programs and Projects Committee (PPC): The functions and authority of the PPC are local, state, congestion management agency Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), TFCA Vehicle Registration Fee (VRF) programs and Expenditure Plan programs and projects; local, state and federally funded projects and funding programs; the annual strategic plan for programs and projects; funding requests from project sponsors and other eligible recipients; paratransit services programs and projects; bicycle and pedestrian projects and programs; funding allocations to various transportation programs and projects; eminent domain proceedings; environmental evaluations; contract procurement; good faith efforts policies and procedures; and bid protests and complaints regarding engineering and construction contract procurement.
Planning, Policy and Legislation Committee (PPLC): The functions and authority of the PPLC are the Congestion Management Program; Countywide Transportation Plan; federal, state, regional and local transportation and land-use planning policies and studies; amendments to the 1986 Expenditure Plan or the 2000 Expenditure Plans; amendments to the VRF Expenditure Plan; transit-oriented development and priority development area projects and programs; the annual legislative program; state and federal legislative matters; general and targeted outreach programs; and advisory committee performance and effectiveness.
I-680 Sunol Smart Carpool Lane Joint Powers Authority (I-680 JPA): The functions and authority of the I-680 JPA are management, operations and performance of the I-680 Express Lane as well as development of the annual report. The Sunol Smart Carpool Lane JPA consists of five elected officials, four voting members from Alameda County and one voting member from Santa Clara County. Voting rights were determined based on each county’s share of road miles within the corridor.
The Governing Board of the Authority typically meets on the same day as the Alameda CTC Standing Committees and is noted as the I-680 JPA.