The Alameda County Transportation Commission (Alameda CTC) programs, allocates and distributes funding from various federal, state, regional and local funding sources for transportation projects and programs throughout Alameda County.
Funding opportunities are either programmed or allocated through Alameda CTC’s biennial Comprehensive Investment Plan (CIP) programming process or as direct local distribution payments to local jurisdictions and transit operators based on predetermined formulas and funding commitments.
A variety of reporting forms, including compliance reports and grant reporting forms, are required in order for local jurisdictions and transit operators to receive funding.
Local Funding Programs
Measure B: In 2000, nearly 82 percent of Alameda County voters approved Measure B, the half-cent transportation sales tax. Alameda CTC administers Measure B funds to deliver essential transportation improvements and services. The
Alameda County 20-year Transportation Expenditure Plan guides the expenditures of more than $1.4 billion in county transportation funds generated through the continuation of the sales tax over the next 20 years.
Measure BB: In November 2014, over 71 percent of voters approved Measure BB, authorizing an extension of the existing transportation sales tax (Measure B).
The 2014 Transportation Expenditure Plan (2014 TEP) guides the investments of Measure BB revenues toward capital projects and programs that improve the countywide transportation system.
Vehicle Registration Fee: In November 2010, 63 percent of voters approved a vehicle registration fee to fund transportation programs, link to program expenditure plan.
Regional Funding Programs

Regional Measure 3 (RM 3) was approved by voters in the nine county San Francisco Bay Area in June 2018. The measure provides $4.45 billion in transportation funding, with an estimated $1 billion eligible for Alameda County projects. The measure includes a plan to build projects that support better goods movement and economic development, highway and express lane improvements, major transit investments in operations and capital projects, and active transportation, funded by an increase in bridge tolls on all Bay Area toll bridges except the Golden Gate Bridge.
Transportation Fund for Clean Air (TFCA) County Program Manager (CPM) Fund is a local fund source of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (Air District). As the TFCA County Program Manager for Alameda County, Alameda CTC is responsible for programming 40 percent of the $4 vehicle registration fee collected in Alameda County for this program.
Lifeline Transportation Program is intended to support transportation projects that address mobility and accessibility needs in low-income communities throughout the region. The program was created by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), the Regional Transportation Planning Agency for the nine-county Bay Area. Historically, MTC has funded the program with a combination of federal and state operating and capital funding sources.
State Funding Programs
Senate Bill 1 (SB 1), the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017, is a state funding source for state and local roads, goods movement, public transit, and active transportation programs. This landmark funding program invests $5.4 billion annually in state and local roads, goods movement, public transit and active transportation programs.
State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) is a multi-year capital improvement program of transportation projects on and off the State Highway System, funded with revenues from the State Highway Account and other funding sources.
Federal Funding Programs
One Bay Area Grant (OBAG) Program is intended to support Alameda CTC’s Sustainable Communities Strategy by linking transportation dollars to land-use decisions and targeting transportation investments to support priority development areas (PDAs). The program was created by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), the Regional Transportation Planning Agency for the nine-county Bay Area, and is funded with the federal Surface Transportation Program and Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (STP/CMAQ) funding sources.