Alameda CTC Releases 2012 Annual Report

Learn more about how Alameda CTC brings together people, transportation and destinations.

2012 Annual Report Cover

The Alameda CTC 2012 Annual Report, “Transportation Connects,” is now available.

Over the past decade, our local transportation sales tax has generated more than a billion dollars for transportation improvements. Alameda CTC has pumped back into the Alameda County economy more than $495 million and annually creates approximately 5,100 jobs.

Executive Director Arthur L. Dao says, “Alameda CTC funds transportation that connects you to work, education, services, recreation and family and friends.”

These investments, combined with state and federal funding, support expanded transit, more efficient freeways and roadways, and essential safety improvements for walking, biking and all modes of transportation.

Read about major accomplishments over the past year and the transportation improvements to come.

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