Alameda CTC is pleased to announce the availability of approximately $150.8 million of combined federal One Bay Area Grant Program Cycle 3 (OBAG 3) funding and various Alameda CTC-administered discretionary local funding sources, including Measure B and BB, Vehicle Registration Fee (VRF), and Transportation Fund for Clean Air (TFCA) to cities, the County, transit operators and other eligible public entities. These funds will be used to implement bicycle/pedestrian improvements, complete streets enhancements, and support transit-related projects and programs. 2024 CIP funding is available for fiscal years 2023-34 through 2027-28. Applications will be accepted through June 30, 2022.
Alameda CTC staff will review and evaluate proposed projects and programs for their readiness, project transportation benefits such as safety and access criteria and the level of matching funds. Alameda CTC encourages all eligible applicants to collaborate with the public, community-based organizations and project and community stakeholders during the development of all projects submitted to Alameda CTC for funding consideration. For the available Federal OBAG 3 funding, Alameda CTC will nominate projects to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for funding consideration.
The 2024 CIP funding application, along with additional resources, can be found on the Alameda CTC’s Funding Opportunities webpage.