The East 14th Street/Mission Boulevard and Fremont Boulevard Multimodal Corridor project, a critical interjurisdictional arterial corridor that traverses five jurisdictions in Central and Southern Alameda County (unincorporated Alameda County and the cities of San Leandro, Hayward, Union City and Fremont), provides key north-south connections throughout the inner East Bay paralleling Interstate 880 (I-880), while connecting with two major east-west bay crossing bridges (San Mateo and Dumbarton bridges) and major commute corridors to the Tri-Valley, including Niles Canyon (State Route 84) and Sunol Grade (Interstate 680). The project area has:
- Robust transit options: seven transit providers, including public and private shuttles; three bus transit providers; seven BART station; two Capitol Corridor stations; and one ACE station (shared with Amtrak)
- 314,000 residents and 90,000 employees are along its alignment
- 17,000-36,000 vehicles per day
- Bike lanes throughout two-thirds of the corridor
- Fourteen Priority Development Areas
Currently draft recommendations are being developed for long-term (2040) multimodal improvements after extensive data analysis, input from stakeholder agencies and five recent public workshops along the study corridor for community members.
Draft recommendations are currently being developed for long-term (2040) multimodal improvements along the East 14th Street/Mission and Fremont Boulevard Multimodal Corridor, which build on existing and planned efforts in the study area. These recommendations are the outcome of extensive data analysis, stakeholder agencies and community input.
Draft transit recommendations include a combination of bus-only lanes between San Leandro BART and South Hayward BART, and the use of Rapid Buses from South Hayward BART to the Warm Springs BART Station in the City of Fremont.
Draft recommendations for bicycle improvements include Class I bike facilities along the BART and Union Pacific Railroad alignment, as feasible, and on-street Class IV bike facilities throughout the corridor.
And the project also includes mobility hubs to facilitate:
- Robust first-/last-mile connection
- Improved micro-transit service in south county, and
- Intelligent Transportation System technology to manage speed and improve safety in the study area
It is anticipated that the current scoping phase of the project will conclude in spring 2020. Project initiation and the environmental phase will begin in summer 2020.