2000 Measure B to Sunset After 20 Years

Over the course of the 20-years, Alameda CTC has administered the 2000 Measure B sales tax dollars, delivering essential transportation improvements and services to Alameda County— jurisdictions that include 14 cities, two local transit agencies and unincorporated Alameda County. Alameda CTC leveraged over $1.4 billion in local funds to deliver more than $ 4.1 billion in projects and programs to improve transportation and alleviate congestion in Alameda County. Several of the projects included:

  • BART to Warm Springs Extension and BART to Oakland Airport Connector
  • Union City Intermodal Station and Fruitvale BART Intermodal Station improvements
  • I-580/Isabel Avenue Interchange in Livermore and the Route 84 Expressway in Livermore and Pleasanton
  • AC Transit Bus Rapid Transit, known as the TEMPO
  • Transit operations and capital improvements for ACE Rail, Union City Transit, LAVTA and services for seniors and people with disabilities
  • Countywide Discretionary Bicycle and Pedestrian Grant Program

“We’re so proud of the projects that Measure B has funded,” said Alameda CTC Executive Director Tess Lengyel. “We couldn’t have delivered these improvements in safety, equity, sustainability, resiliency and multimodal transportation without the voters’ support. We are pleased to have been able to partner with local jurisdictions, transit agencies and other stakeholders to deliver projects and programs that improve the quality of life in Alameda County.”

The 2000 Measure B will sunset on March 31, 2022.

2000 Measure B Graphic

Press Release