One Bay Area Grant Program

The Federal One Bay Area Grant (OBAG) funding is intended to support Alameda CTC’s Sustainable Communities Strategy by linking transportation dollars to land-use decisions and targeting transportation investments to support priority development areas (PDAs). The program was created by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), the Regional Transportation Planning Agency for the nine-county Bay Area, and is funded with the federal Surface Transportation Program and Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality funding sources.

The OBAG program supports California’s climate law, Senate Bill 375, which requires a Sustainable Communities Strategy to integrate land use and transportation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Per MTC’s OBAG program requirements, 70 percent of the funds must be used toward transportation projects within PDAs.

Alameda CTC is responsible for selecting and programming the Alameda County share of OBAG funds. The Cycle 1 OBAG program was adopted in May 2013. The Alameda County Cycle 2 OBAG program was adopted as part of the 2018 CIP, April 27, 2017.


Staff contact: Vivek Bhat, 510.208.7430,