Alameda CTC is the implementing agency for the Global Opportunities at the Port of Oakland (GoPort) program, a suite of landside transportation improvement projects at the Port of Oakland (Port) to provide congestion relief, improve the efficiency and reliability of truck and rail access, and improve circulation within the Port. The first of the three projects slated for implementation is the technology demonstration project known as the Freight Intelligent Transportation System (FITS) project.
The FITS project, a comprehensive transportation technology and congestion management project that involves the use of intelligent transportation systems, advanced technology, and innovation, is scheduled to be complete in late 2021. A number of demonstration technologies, including providing real-time traffic information to truckers, will be implemented, such as:
- Changeable message signs
- On-site cameras
- Fiber and Wi-Fi communications
- A traffic management center/emergency operations center
- Traffic signal enhancements
- Vehicle and queue detection
- Train detection system
- Weigh-in-motion technology
- A GoPort Freight ITS phone application
- A smart parking system
For project updates, visit the Projects web page.