All Meetings

The governing body of the Alameda County Transportation Commission (“Alameda CTC”) is the Commission, which meets on the fourth Thursday of every month, with the exception of the months of August, November, and December, when the Commission is either in recess or special session. The Commission is comprised of 22 members, with the following representation: All five Alameda County supervisors, two Oakland representatives, and one representative from each of the other 13 cities, AC Transit, and BART.  Standing Committees, Advisory Committees, and the Independent Watchdog Committee have designated schedules that vary by Committee.

Meeting Accessibility and Title VI Statement

For accessibility accommodations or if information is needed in another language, call 510.208.7450 (Voice) or 1.800.855.7100 (TTY) five days in advance of any meeting. Call 510.208.7400 48 hours in advance to request accommodation or assistance at any meeting. Alameda CTC is committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of or discriminated against under its projects, programs or activities on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, sex or age, as provided in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 49 United States Code Section 5332.

Alameda CTC Public Meeting Code of Conduct

Alameda CTC conducts orderly meetings to fulfill its mandate. Discriminatory statements or conduct that would potentially violate the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 and/or the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, California Penal Code sections 403 or 415 is per se disruptive to a meeting and will not be tolerated. Please see Alameda CTC’s Meeting Code of Conduct for more information.

Upcoming Events

Meetings are arranged by date, with the most recent at the top of the list. Click Live Stream to watch the current meeting’s live video stream during the meeting. Agendas, packets materials and minutes are available by selecting the appropriate link.

Meeting Archives

Alameda CTC has recently begun using a new platform for sharing meeting agendas and related matters.  For meetings after March 24, 2022, please use the “Search Archives” box by typing relevant keywords and selecting Search

For agendas, packet materials and handouts from meetings before March 2022, please CLICK HERE.