Alameda CTC Releases Annual Report

Learn more about transportation investments that matter most to commuters, students, seniors and people with disabilities, and residents and businesses in Alameda County.

The 2013 Annual Report, “Transportation Matters,” highlights key transportation programs and projects that Alameda CTC plans, funds and delivers to foster a vibrant and livable Alameda County.

collage of 6 images of people and roads

Nearly 30 years ago, Alameda County voters took the bold step of responding to economic challenges by approving innovative plans for our transportation network and a steady stream of local sales tax dollars to support this vision.

Alameda CTC’s Measure B and the Vehicle Registration Fee investments now operate BART, bus, rail and paratransit services; improve roads and freeways to decrease traffic; and expand safety for walking and biking.

Executive Director Arthur L. Dao says, “We currently have $2.5 billion in transportation projects under construction. These projects will enable efficient goods movement and result in job creation and economic growth.”

Read about major accomplishments over the past year, transportation improvements and the 2014 Transportation Expenditure Plan that will meet the future demands of a county projected to increase in population by 30 percent over the next 30 years.

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