Alameda CTC has a history of leveraging local dollars to facilitate efficient project and program delivery. Two of the most recent infusions of funding are Senate Bill 1 (SB 1) investments – the Trade Corridor Enhancement Program (TCEP) and the Active Transportation Program (ATP).
Freight Intelligent Transportation System
Alameda CTC received $12.45 million in SB 1 TCEP funding approved by the California Transportation Commission (CTC) in May 2019, closing the final funding gap for this technology demonstration project, which goes to construction this year.
The Freight Intelligent Transportation System (FITS), one of three landside improvement projects that are a part of the GoPort Program, is intended to improve truck and rail access to the Oakland Port Complex and build upon the significant state, local, and private-sector investments that have been made over the past decade as part of the redevelopment of the Oakland Army Base. It is a comprehensive transportation demonstration technology and congestion management project that includes the implementation of transportation technologies such as changeable message signs, camera surveillance, fiber and Wi-Fi communications, a joint traffic management center/emergency operations center, traffic signal enhancements, vehicle and queue detection, train detection system, weigh-in-motion technology, GoPort Freight ITS information system/application, and a basic smart parking system.
The FITS project allows Alameda CTC and the Port of Oakland to continue to strengthen the state’s economic competitiveness, reduce congestion, improve reliability, increase productivity, and reduce adverse environmental and community impact at the Port of Oakland.
The New Alameda County School Travel Opportunities Program
Alameda CTC received a $3.7 million grant as part of the SB 1 Active Transportation Program, also approved by the CTC at its May 16, 2019 meeting.
The grant for this countywide program to expand safer walking and biking throughout the County, will serve to launch the new Alameda County School Travel Opportunities Program, effectively synthesizing two of Alameda CTC’s active transportation programs—Safe Routes to Schools and the Student Transit Pass Pilot Program, with a focus on under-resourced schools. Alameda CTC intends to match the ATP grant for a total program cost of $4.2 million.