Alameda County Transportation Expenditure Plan Moves onto November 2012 Ballot

Alameda CTC received the Alameda County Board of Supervisors’ final unanimous approval on the 2012 Transportation Expenditure Plan (TEP).

Alameda CTC received the Alameda County Board of Supervisors’ final unanimous approval on the 2012 Transportation Expenditure Plan (TEP), which will guide spending and provide $7.8 billion in sales tax revenue for critical transportation projects throughout Alameda County over the next 30 years. With this approval, the Board of Supervisors has authorized the TEP for placement as a measure on the November 6, 2012 ballot that will go before Alameda County voters.

The TEP is the result of an extensive countywide public engagement process, and reflects public and stakeholder priorities. If passed by voters in November, the transportation projects included in the TEP will be funded through the augmentation and extension of the existing county transportation sales tax, Measure B, which was passed by voters in 1986 and reauthorized in 2000 with 81.5 percent support.

For more information, read the press release or see the countywide planning web page.